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View Safeguarding Policy

Terms and conditions of hire

Please read through the text box below and tick that you accept the terms

1. Business contact details 
Quaker Meeting House, Friargate, York YO1 9RL. 
Telephone: 01904-624065

2. Staff
Business Manager: Tracey Sharp
Meeting House Assistant Managers:  Zainab Kidwai, Eleanor Rhodes and Jennifer Harris
Meeting House Assistants: Bella Perkins, Tom Pierceand Liz Lance

3. Bookings and Payment
To make a booking, use the form on our web page, use the booking form attached or enquire via phone or person whereby we will be pleased to give you a form. An invoice will be issued on receipt and should be paid before the booking date to secure your room.                    Payment is accepted by cash, cheque, card and via Sage Pay..
We reserve the right to decline or cancel a booking.
4. Cancellation of bookings 
If you need to cancel your booking please note that our refund terms, which are not negotiable, are as follows:
Notice given	
Three weeks or more	Full refund
More than one week but less than three	50% refund
One week or less	No refund
If the building has to be closed because of a Covid-19 related incident, an alternative date or a full refund will be offered.

5. Care of the Meeting House 
Hirers are expected to leave rooms as they find them. Make sure that your event does not overrun and that you have allowed time for this. A discretionary charge of £50 per room may be charged if the room is not left as it should be. Please do not fix anything to the walls with drawing pins, paste, tape, Blutak etc; ask staff for advice. The Meeting House closes at 9.30 latest Monday to Thursday and 5 pm on a Friday and Saturday. 

6. Counselling Bookings (Tuke and Fry Rooms)
We welcome counsellors and can offer bookings at hourly rates. 
7.  Additional requirements in the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic: 
•	The Group Organiser is responsible for doing a risk assessment for their event. Please include this with your booking form. 
•	Use the hand sanitiser provided on entering the building. 
•	Observe social distancing measures and the one way ‘in’ and ‘out’ system throughout the building.
•	Wear a face covering in all communal areas of the building.
•	Group organisers are asked to sign in at reception. The staff at Friargate will keep details for twenty-one days in the interest of Track & Trace.
•	Make sure you have contact details for all members of your group. 
•	Keep the windows open and the door, if appropriate. You are responsible for overseeing social distancing measures within your group.
•	Fabric chairs have been reduced to the minimum number required. 
•	Fabrics are hard to clean successfully. You may wish to bring your own covering if using the chairs. 
•	Time will be allowed for the room to be cleaned by staff after each use, focusing particularly on surfaces, fixtures & fittings which may be touched, as well as the toilet facilities. 
•	There are limitations on the provision of food and drink at this time. Please ask staff for advice. There are many cafés, restaurants and convenience stores within walking distance of the Quaker Meeting House. 
8. Safeguarding:
You are responsible for children, young people or vulnerable adults at your event, and ensuring all appropriate checks are carried out for volunteers or staff. If you do not have your own safeguarding policy you must agree to ours (via the electronic link on the booking form).
9. Alcohol and gambling
•	Alcohol is not allowed on the premises. 
•	We do not allow gambling, including raffles. 
10. Publicity and advertising by hirers. 
When advertising your event it must be clear that your meeting is not held under the auspices of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Do not have your mail sent to the meeting house.
11. Fire safety. 
Written copies of fire procedures with information on fire exits, fire extinguishers, and the assembly area outside the main entrance, are displayed beside the door of each room. Ensure that emergency exits are not blocked and that your group are informed of our fire procedures and of the exit route and assembly point (at the top of the street). A fire drill can be arranged if requested.

12. Legal responsibility. 
•	Use of the premises is at your own risk. The trustees of York Area Quaker Meeting do not accept responsibility or liability for any loss, theft or damage to personal effects, property or equipment brought into the Meeting House by your group.       You are responsible for any liability that may arise from your activities in the Meeting House. You must maintain the necessary insurance for all legal liabilities arising out of these activities while on the Premises, including personal injury and death of third parties (including employees/volunteers) and damage to the Meeting House or to the property of others. 
•	Friargate Meeting does not hold PPL (Phonographic Performance Limited) or PRS (Performing Right Society) licences, and you must obtain these if you expect to use recorded music, public performance or reproduction of music. 
13. Damage. 
Report to staff on the day if your group has caused any damage. We may ask you to pay for any necessary cleaning or repairs beyond normal wear and tear; you might consider seeking professional advice on insurance for your group’s activities. 
14. Friargate Quaker Meeting House belongs to York Area Quaker Meeting. Quakers have testimonies to peace, equality, truth & integrity and want their values to show through their actions. It is important that the events and meetings that take place in the building are not in conflict with Quaker testimonies and the public statements of Quakers in Britain 
A booking may be refused or cancelled if:
•	The aims and policies of the organisation or individual seem to be in conflict with Quaker beliefs. New hirers will be asked for a written statement of their group’s aims and values prior to receiving confirmation of the initial booking.. 
•	The Hirer and/or Guests has/have ever been linked to violence or incitement to hatred or violence on or off the Premises. 
•	Violence or the encouragement of violence at a meeting may reasonably be anticipated 
•	Contravention of fire or health and safety regulations may reasonably be anticipated 
•	Misbehaviour has occurred at a previous meeting organised by the organisation or individual in question 
•	A hirer breaches Friargate Quaker Meeting House Room Hire Terms and Conditions 
•	Due to a Covid-19 related incident
Political parties and campaign groups may book rooms for private meetings of their members and guests. Public meetings by political parties or campaign groups may be approved only where the speakers represent a demonstrably balanced range of views and the political impartiality of Quakers will not be prejudiced 
Should the activities of a hirer seem to be at odds with, or directly prejudicial to, the work and values of the Society of Friends (Quakers) the potential booking may be referred to the Resources Committee, the Clerk of the Local Meeting, or if necessary, the trustees of the Area Meeting. In such cases the potential hirer will be informed of the delay so that they have time to make alternative arrangements. 

This policy and standard conditions of letting are reviewed periodically and are subject to variation to meet the changing needs of the premises and of York Area Quaker Meeting.
I accept the terms and conditions of this booking and have completed my own risk assessment. I take full responsibility to ensure the safety of all persons using the room I have booked.